The hydraulic force : where the attention goes the energy flows


From waterwheels to airplanes

Hydraulics is one of those technical sectors of activity which are both old and new at the same time. Take waterwheels for instance, people have been using them before even history was recorded. The most ancient civilizations have left several traces of their hydraulics know how, think not only about the Roman Empire but look further back in time at Ancient Egyptians, Sumerians and particularly at the example of The Fortress City of Petra in Jordan, an ancient city powered by hydraulic force, truly a work of art.

At the same time, the principle of using a liquid under pressure to transfer force and also to control complicated movements is relatively new, the last couple of centuries have seen it’s flourishing development since the modern age of industrialization. The hydraulic science has known its most rapid development within the last 5 decades, strongly correlated the work that has been done in the aeronautics field.

Universal for the engineering industry

Hydraulics and pneumatics are universal for the entire engineering industry. Generally speaking, there are three main media for the transference and control of force. Besides hydraulics and pneumatics, the other two media are mechanical transference ( actioned by gears or clutch pedals for example) and electrical (actioned by a generator for example).

The “flowing energy” is transferred and controlled through a medium under pressure, either liquid (hydraulic) or air (pneumatic). This form of energy has many exceptional advantages and it’s uses are universal. This is the reason why it is the most suitable form of energy transference on land, sea or in the air.

A contained liquid is one of the most versatile means of controlling and transferring force. The precise form of the walls that contain it and withstands its pressure is of outmost importance. It can also be divided into several streams which, can perform work before being allowed to merge into one stream again to perform more work again. The hydraulic system’s versatility is due to the fact that the powered liquid = flowing energy can be made to work fast in one part of a system and slowly in another.

Work of precision

High degree of reliability, accuracy and flexibility like other medium can mix at the same time, while retaining the maximum force transfer capacity with minimum volume and weight. The hydraulic power quality control can be compared with the accuracy of an electronic micro-processor, imagine that!

In order to achieve maximum utilization capacity with highest efficiency and least possible operational stops “dead timings”, it is very important that a hydraulic system be designed, manufactured, started and maintained absolutely correctly. Hydraulics systems are foremost a work of precision. This is why experts in the field are required to make sure everything works properly, in order to avoid loss of time, nerves and money.

Flowing energy systems, industry’s butter and bread ?

Almost every factory on the globe uses “flowing energy” systems in production. More than half of all manufactured products are based on this form of energy, therefore it represents a main priority for all manufacturers, exporters, purchasers, distributors, and repairers of production systems and machines, including agricultural machines and machine tools, the automobile industry, shipping and aviation.

Clearly, the knowledge and experience of many producers, repairers and operators must take into account the dramatic development and rapid outstrip of hydraulics, therefore for all hydraulic matters it is best to relate to real experts in the field.

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