After almost a decade of hard work and dedication we can tell that it was all worth it, since it payed well. We have been granted the CCIAT Excellence Award for Hydraulics for the last 2 years in a row. Passion, hard work and dedication always pay sooner or later, no matter the economic sector we’re active in. It’s the standard killer combination, like the little black dress or the classic tuxedo in your wardrobe which won’t make you miss the winning looks. We have plenty of reasons to be grateful for : happy customers, happy employees, great financial results, significant added value to the socio economic life not only in our region but also at national level. It sounds a bit like a US Thanksgiving statement but it’s more than that, it’s the simple result of the promises made and kept over the years, made in Romania.
CCIAT Excellence Award Winner 2 years in a row
After almost a decade of hard work and dedication we can tell that it was all worth it, since it payed well for the last couple of years. We can affirm now without any shadow of a doubt that all the passion invested in our business reflects itself in our results : we won the CCIAT Chamber of Commerce Industry and Agriculture Timis Excellence Award for Hydraulics for 2 years in a row in 2018 and in 2019. We have plenty of reasons to be grateful for : happy customers, happy employees, great financial results, significant added value to the socio economic life not only in our region but also at national level.
Numbers don’t lie, that’s a fact !
Besides our obvious passion for hydraulics and the high expertise solutions we provide to our customers, at the end of the day we are a business and well managed finances are key to our development and continuous improvement. Indeed numbers don’t lie when it comes to quantifying the economic results and their evolution through time. We are proud to have progressively increased our financial results from one year to another, 2017 being a key year in our development.
The latest CCIAT Hydraulics Excellence Award we won in 2019 was granted taking into account our financial results for the precedent fiscal year : turnover 3.2 mil euro, profit 1.08 mil with an efficiency of 32.18%. These results are due to our continuous investment in high quality work and top know-how, it’s the good luck we build each day with the choices we make and the actions we undertake.
Now, does hard work and dedication always pay ?
Passion, hard work and dedication always pay sooner or later, no matter the economic sector we’re active in. It’s the standard killer combination, like the little black dress or the classic tuxedo in your wardrobe which won’t make you miss the winning looks for any kind of event in your life. If you want to choose the path to achieving long lasting success then take no shortcuts : always walk the talk whether it comes to keeping your quality standards for the products you provide or the services you deliver.
Excellent people lead to excellent results, therefore I will never repeat it enough: people make the difference, as an old Romanian saying stating “The (HU)Man sanctifies the place”. We are proud to rely on an excellent team which we have built during all these years whose motto is “We are The Team”.
We focus on the added value and the long term, no shortcuts
In order to ensure the highest levels of excellency we constantly need to keep up with the latest technologies available on one hand and on the other we constantly improve our know-how by especially focusing on high end experts in hydraulics.
Moreover our future investments reflect our long term vision:
1/ New headquarters building – 1,1 mil EUR
2/ Equipment – 1,3 mil EUR
3/ Training center – 0,6 mil EUR
We speak of last generation equipment which encompasses Bosch Rexroth technology and know how with iCloud data storage. Our Bosch Rexroth Training Center will focus on ensuring the highest level of expertise and know how by delivering worldwide renowned certified trainings and building up the next generation of experts in hydraulics.
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